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Small Group Size

At The Ridge at Horizons, we understand that sometimes the most meaningful experiences happen in small, intimate settings. That's why our retreat is focused on small group size, providing a personal and nurturing environment where you can truly immerse yourself in your wellness journey.


  • Small by Design
  • Tailored Experiences
  • Expert Guidance
  • Shared Experiences
  • Transformative Wellness

Small by Design

Our commitment to small group size reflects our belief that personalized attention and genuine connections are vital to your well-being. With a limited number of participants, you'll experience a sense of community and camaraderie that's unparalleled.


Tailored Experiences 

The small group size allows us to tailor your experience to your unique needs and preferences. Whether you're seeking solitude and introspection or looking to bond with like-minded individuals, we create a supportive environment that adapts to you.


Expert Guidance

Our experienced wellness experts and guides provide individualized attention, ensuring that you receive the guidance, support, and insights necessary for your personal growth and transformation. They'll be there every step of the way, helping you achieve your wellness goals.


Shared Experiences

Small group sizes provide the perfect opportunity to forge lasting connections with your fellow participants. Share your journey, insights, and inspiration with a select group of individuals who are on a similar path to wellness.


Transformative Wellness

Our small group size supports transformation, self-discovery, and renewal. With the support of our caring team and the bonds you'll create, you'll leave our retreat with a profound sense of well-being and a network of friends who understand your wellness journey.


Join Our Intimate Wellness Community

If you seek an exclusive, close-knit wellness experience, our small group retreats are the ideal choice. Connect with a community of kindred spirits, experience the power of personalized wellness, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal. Your path to well-being begins here, in our intimate and exclusive setting.